제8회 대전국제아트쇼 | 2022 DIAS Daejeon International Art Show

As Representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Seoul

Daejeon Convention Center | South Korea, Daejeon

제4회 앙데팡당 KOREA 국제예술제 | The 4th Indenpendants KOREA International Art Festival

As Representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Seoul

Part 1: Daejeon Artist House | South Korea, Daejeon

Part 2: PIAM International Art Fair, KINTEX Korea International Exhibition Center | South Korea, Ilsan


Artyści Ziemi Bolesławieckiej, Bolesławieckie Środowisko Artystyczne | ‘Artists of the Bolesławiec Region’, Bolesławiec Artistic Milieu

Museum of Ceramics in Bolesławiec | Poland, Bolesławiec 


엑스퍼트 클래스 <Prologue> 展 | Expert Class Exhibition ‘<Prologue>’

Gyeomjae Jeongseon Art Museum | South Korea, Seoul


2014학년도 조형예술대학 졸업작품전 | College of Art & Design Graduate Exhibition 2014

Division of Fine Arts, Ewha Woman’s University | South Korea, Seoul


Ona & Ona. W drodze, 55-lecie GOKiS Gromadka | ‘She & She. On the way’, 55th anniversary of GOKiS Gromadka

In collaboration with Janina Jadwiga Sarzyńska

GOKiS | Poland, Gromadka 


Ona & Ona | ‘She & She’

In collaboration with Janina Jadwiga Sarzyńska

M. Twerd Gallery | Poland, Bolesławiec